Reviews, or Lack Thereof

I've had two strangers today message me to say they'd loved Captured and Claimed and left Amazon reviews, but the same two I got early on are still the only ones up. I know Amazon has been slow to approve reviews lately, so I hope they will start showing up soon.

Readers, if you enjoy a book, please leave a positive (Amazon) review. Authors will love you forever! Especially to new writers--or, as in my case, writers starting new pen names--those reviews are like gold, and believe me, I will treasure them just as much. More!

I got the final pre-order ms for Stolen and Saved uploaded today. It releases on August 28--just 9 more days! Bound and Betrayed releases on September 18th.

The characters in book 1 continue throughout the series, and yes, Zac the grizzwolf and Jax the Grifft will get their own books. 4 and 5 maybe. I'm very excited for Zac, especially.

If you'd like to message me, you can find me on Facebook, Twitter, or you can email me through the contact form on in the right sidebar of this site.

And remember--positive reviews make happy authors!

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